60년의 발자취,
100년의 힘찬 발돋움
150년의 젊은 울림, 내일을 향한 두드림!
2함께 가꾼 50년, 함께 여는 50년!
3처음과 같이 이제와 항상 영원히!
1처음과 같이 도전하겠습니다. 그리고 지금과 같이 함께 하겠습니다.
2부산가톨릭대학교는 반세기 전통 위에 인간존중과 생명사랑으로 함께 합니다.
350년을 함께한 진리·사랑·봉사, 미래를 위한 행복 더하기입니다.
150 Years! Looking back on the First, Looking toward to the Next!
2The Winners’ CUP! Catholic University of Pusan’s 50thAnniversary
3A+Ω! Everlasting CUP! Catholic University of Pusan’s 50thAnniversary
12014 marks the 50th anniversary of the Catholic University of Pusan. Our specialized focus on a selection of majors adds to our strength, as does the faculty’s focus on not only sharing knowledge with students, but also interacting with them in an attitude of love. With a spirit of service, we continue striving to increase our presence in the global workforce by expanding our domesic and international employment and internship programs. We invite all to join us in celebrating our jubilee year.
22014 marks the 50th anniversary of the Catholic University of Pusan. We are small but strong university internationally oriented, selectively specialized, and committed to interacting with students in a spirit of love and service. We invite all to join us in celebrating our jubilee year.